Monday, 27 February 2012

#pickin' up

Remind me never to go home with anyone when I’m really trashed.
Not that I would have listened.
Because as I left Harbour 12 with @mr_muscle in tow it looked to @cute_cousin and @two_english_boys like I was in for what is commonly known as a #good time.
Although they were pretty trashed too.
I don’t normally do the whole Mr Universe thing, but this guy was incredibly handsome.
Dancing right near us.
Without the effect of illicit substances I would never have had the confidence to smile at a life-size action hero.
But I’d double-dropped just before we arrived, the sight of blue uniforms and eager Labradors inspiring memories of a prior drug conviction and therefore a sudden elbow-jerk reaction.
I had hit my peak early.
And stayed there for hours.
I was the hottest man alive.
Could have put out my own calendar.
And I was on the prowl.
So smile I did.
He returned the gesture.
I was in.
All eyes had been on his hulking form as it pulsated through the dancefloor, but for some reason, then unknown to me, he resisted the advances of others of his ilk. I always believe those muscle mary’s are only interested in lookalikes, so I never venture forth.
But this one was different
Although the end of the party was drawing close and so too were the other predators.
So I had to act fast if I was gonna keep my quarry…

#DNA Magazine



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