Tuesday, 24 September 2013


In case you're worried, that was not me you saw on Border Patrol.
And consequently, no that wasn't me being photographed leaving the courts with a jumper over my head.
That drug haul we saw on the news had nothing to do with me.
Although, as an aside, I do always experience some slight panic when I see those stories.
Especially in the weeks leading up to any major event.
Hope it's not someone I know.
How are we gonna have fun at that party?
The drugs will be extra expensive.
And probably shit.
But I digress.
Pills arrived.
Bringing no conviction with them.
Other than that they would make me thin.
It was 4 weeks out when they did.
So despite my anxiety that they'd never get here, once they did I had confidence in their powers.
Although not quite enough confidence to stick to the recommended dosage.
During the first week I didn't sleep for three days.
And I couldn't be very far from a lavatory for more than an hour at a time.
I had the shits and the shakes so badly one Tuesday that I had to take day off work.
But it seemed to be doing the trick.
Combined, of course, with the gruelling whip-cracking of @hot_trainer.
And my favourite signature exercise - a cycle class.
I love that I can go into a darkened room first thing in the morning and basically dance for 45 minutes.
Sure I'm on peddles.
But if the music is right it takes me back to Arq at 5am.
About 10 years ago.
Although I'm not worried about what I'm wearing.
Or trying to pick up.
Or running the risk of a possible overdose.
And I don't have to talk to anybody.
Or buy a drink.
Although I do maintain two memberships in order to indulge this reminiscence.
For the zhuzzhi P.E. Dept of which I am so fond does not offer the spin classes I thrive on.
And Fitness First does not offer me the wanker-free zone I need to work out confidently.
So I pay $98 per month for this indulgence.
And of late I've clearly been getting my money's worth.
At least 3 days a week to both of them.
If I pro-rata it, it's a little over $4 per visit.
It's how I rationalise my fashion purchases.
That $600 cashmere sweater was worn at least 3 times a week for the whole of winter.
(Even if only for a few hours at a time).
If I reduce that to what I call Dollar Per Wear, it's $15.22 a pop.
Practically free.
Same with my gym membership. 
Although it has all dropped off a little.
Since The Big Event.
Remember, that thing that inspired it all.
The. School. Reunion.
It's been.
The date has passed.
And I attended.
Although not without reservation.
For, as I think I may have suggested, I did have to steel myself.
But I attended.
And do you think this all paid off?
Do you think I was unrecognisable?
Was I Victoria Beckham?
Did I invent Post-Its?
And what's that pic about?
It's just there because he's beautiful, and I couldn't think of anything else.

Saturday, 21 September 2013


Despite the great efforts and quite considerable talents of @hot_trainer I felt I was too far gone to rely on the age old remedy of reduced food intake and increased exercise.
If I was going to fulfil my ambition of being completely unrecognisable I was gonna have to pull out the big guns. 
No, not steroids.
Not that I am completely opposed to steroid use per se.
I mean, sometimes, it's all about whatever it takes.
But I am resistant to the idea of being all veiny and purplish.
I am also not too keen to test the theory that they shrink your penis.
Nor that they accelerate the ageing process.
I'm doing that perfectly well on my own, thank you.
Accelerating the aging process, that is.
Penis is fine.
Not ideal.
But more than adequate.
No I am talking about 'supplements'.
Discovered through targeted Facebook marketing.
And purchased online.
Apparently it's the secret to Hugh Jackman's physique.
I'd been wondering about that.
And all those before and after shots can't be faked.
I mean, they're definitely the same person... right?
They couldn't get away with that, surely?
Surely these marketeers wouldn't be so shameless as to prey on the vulnerability of consumers with a lifelong struggle with weight and self-image?
How this is discernible through my online life and social media I have no idea, but  given that they pop up on my feed all the time, alongside banners asking me if I want to meet singles in my area, then either Athena Starwoman is running the internet from beyond the grave, or else I need to track my history and look at what that says about me and my life.
It's a bit like your credit card bill and bank statement isn't it?
So often in crime fiction or police tele-dramas, investigators seem to glean so much from the bank accounts of the dead person.
What the fuck would they think of mine if I was suddenly found murdered?
What does my consuming say about me?

Potts Point Liquor
Soleil Tanning
Becker Minty
P.E. Dept
Potts Point Liquor
Soleil Tanning
David Jones Food Hall
Potts Point Liquor
Face of Man Grooming Salon
Hugo Boss
Fitness First
Soleil Tanning
Potts Point Liquor

And of course now recent statement includes 2 transactions from CleanHealthNutrition.
One for $144.37.
The other for $144.53.
So when you see similar ads pop up on your own feed and think 'does anybody really buy from ads like this?' the answer is yes.
Yes, they do.
Well, I do anyway.
I purchased both at the same time.
One for stripping fat.
The other for building lean muscle mass.
Both promising that I would not need to do adjust my diet, exercise regime or lifestyle.
And I have taken them at their word.
Which I possibly shouldn't have, considering the muscle building pills arrived well before the fat strippers.
Based on a testimonial I was relying on losing 9 kg in 30 days.
And that all important deadline was drawing near.
And I was becoming fearful that somehow the fat stripping tablets were held up at Customs.
Their ingredients, despite, being available without prescription, were a banned substance in Australia.
According to the tracking number the package was in Australia.
I emailed the supplier requesting an update.
No response.
Guaranteed to undermine the confidence of any online shopper.
I researched the ingredients.
Sketchy information.
Was I gonna end up on Border Patrol?
Am I Schapelle Corby?

Monday, 2 September 2013


Time to call @hot_trainer
Although I had to steel myself even for that.
I felt somewhat ashamed that I'd let myself go so badly.
He and I had worked so damn hard last year to get me #thinforbali.
And I'd thrown it all away!
And for what? I ask you.
Who the fuck would know. 
I shared with him that things had gotten pretty bad.
"How bad?"
"So bad that you're not allowed to take my measurements or any 'before' shots".
"That bad, huh?"
"Are we working towards a specific event?"
He knows me so well.
I explained what it was.
And how long we had.
He emitted a long low whistle.
Which I said I found discouraging.
"I am not completely beyond hope, you know!!"
"So what do you want to achieve by then?"
"I want to be so thin that when I walk in they'll all gasp and say: Oh my God, is that Victoria Beckham?' "

He roared.
"I'm not joking".
"You're a bit too hairy for that", he joked.
"Well, if that's the only obstacle you see then it shouldn't be too difficult."

Sunday, 1 September 2013


So that was the last time I'd seen any of them.
Skulking away from my alma mater, having been busted doing coke in the toilets.
And now I was three months away from seeing them all again.
And I was the size of a house.
Yo-yo dieting.
Am I the Elvis Presley of my year?
The Christina Onassis?
If only I was that rich and glamorous.
I'm just a fat fuck who used to have a drug problem.
I'd be happy with being the Lindsay Lohan.
At least she's thin.

DNA Magazine

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