But after spending the afternoon in close proximity with @hot_co_worker and needing to calm myself down with a glass of wine and a more relaxed jean , all it took was one insistent phone call.
And before I knew it I was clippin’ that beard and poppin’ on those dancing shoes.
And takin’ myself down to the Green Park to meet @cute_cousin and @cool_cat.
Just for one though.
Four beers and an hour later I was stumbling into the Oxford, where I unbuttoned my shirt and started a fan club.
Just for one though.
Four beers and an hour later I was stumbling into the Oxford, where I unbuttoned my shirt and started a fan club.
Nothing quite like a barful of pissed bears to get yourself a captive audience.
Particularly when you have the hairiest chest in captivity yourself.
Thank God hair made a comeback.
Anyone and everyone has been loving the hairy guy for quite some time now.
So the hairy guy has been making the most of it and loving anyone and everyone.
Because I do feel quite sure that some time very soon the whole hair thing is gonna be cut tragically short.
Beards will be off.
Buttons will be fastened.
And then I’ll just be last season’s hottie.
So in the meantime I’ve decided to be this season’s whorebag.
Managed to free myself from the marauding bears and trip on across the road to Stonewall.
To fraternize with the twinks.
Who, unlike the twinks of my own twinkage, are also quite taken with hair.
Even if it is just to rub their fingers through it.
In exchange for a drink.
So after relinquishing $60 and a fistful of chest hair I stumbled back across Oxford St in the direction of Palms.
Queue was inexplicably long.
And I just wasn’t prepared to run the risk of being spotted in that queue by somebody I hoped might think I was cool.
So I took the dignified way out.
It was the only thing to do.
I slipped the doorman a twenty.
Always works a treat.
I was trottin’ down those stairs faster than I could say “outta my way, bitch”.
Was loving myself just a little bit too much.
Paying way too much attention to that mirror at the bottom of the stairs.
And not nearly enough attention to the stairs.
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